Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Writer Did It

I'm enjoying a trip into the past with my Columbo: Season One DVD box set.

'I knew it was you ever since you asked me to make that phone call. And I know you did it for the money. So I just thought I'd stop by and mix myself a drink while I told you all this, and that you will not get away with it. First thing tomorrow morning, I'm going to the authorities and ... AH! ...'

'I should have known I couldn't get away with it with you around. Here. I've brought the blackmail money, and a couple bottles of wine for us to celebrate your cleverness! You know, as I drink this booze with you and see you growing more and more helpless in front of me, I'm starting to think that the whole reason I killed her was just to be able to pay you all this blackmail money and see the satisfaction it brings to your face ... THUMP! ...'

'Now look, I'm the only one who saw you get into that car with her, so you better treat me with respect. For starters, I think it's I who should be making the decisions around here and ... Umph! ...'

To be fair, the first season was a little awkward. Quincy hadn't joined the team yet, so Columbo was on his own in the lab.

I like Columbo because he is so damn smart, even though he doesn't dress smart and he doesn't talk smart and he smokes and drives an old beater, so that by the end of the show he has usually lost patience with everyone for not believing he is a police officer and starts roughing people up. And I like the way he toys with the killer as he builds up the evidence he needs to convict him or her. Peter Falk does a great job in this role.

There was a character in Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment who reminds me of Columbo. Porfiry Petrovich (Порфирий Петрович) I wonder if they based Columbo on him.

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© 2011. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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